Thomas Buchert - Publication List
Thomas Buchert
Diploma Thesis
'Phasenübergänge und chemische Reaktionen in einem
Friedmann-Universum mit Anwendungen auf den
'Quark-Hadron-Übergang' und
'Inflationäre Szenarien' '
('Phase transitions and chemical reactions in a Friedmann universe with
applications to the 'Quark-Hadron transition' and 'inflationary scenarios' ')
LMU Munich, July 1st 1984
Ph.D. Thesis
'Die Pancake-Theorie der Bildung Supergalaktischer Strukturen -
Analytische Grundlagen'
('The Pancake Theory of formation of supergalactic structures - Analytical
LMU Munich, March 7th 1988
Habilitation Thesis
'Inhomogeneous Newtonian Cosmogony'
LMU Munich, November 1st 1993
Books - Public Outreach
'Dark Energy and Dark Matter hidden in the Geometry of Space ? - The Dawn of a New Paradigm in Cosmology'
T. Buchert
Chapter 1 in: 'COSMIC UPDATE: dark puzzles, arrow of time, future history', by Adams F., Buchert T., Mersini-Houghton L.: Multiversal Journeys Vol. II, (ed. by F. Nekoogar), Springer New York, 138 pages, pp. 1-50 (2012).
'Univers Invisible ou Univers Inhomogène ? - Les problèmes de la matière et de l'énergie noires'
T. Buchert
Chapter 5 in: 'UN AUTRE COSMOS' (ed. by T. Lepeltier and J.-M. Bonnet-Bidaud), Vuibert, 160 pages, pp. 99-119 (2012).
'COSMIC CONTINUA -- a treatise on self-gravitating collisionless systems in
T. Buchert,
Cambridge University Press,
in progress.

Most-cited articles are highlighted with
for more than 15,
for more than 30,
for more than 60,
for more than 120, and
for more than 240 citations.
These citations are mainly based on the ADS Astronomy database;
it is the most appropriate database for most papers;
ADS includes links to
ARXIV and to
INSPIRE. Here is the list by Google Scholar.
ADS Citations currently: total about 8310 / cites per author about 3985
>myADS -
h-index h papers published with at least h citations: h=46
(ADS); tori-index: 84
1. 1987a:
'A class of solutions for self-gravitating dust in Newtonian
T. Buchert and G. Götz,
J. Math. Phys. 28, 2714-2719.
2. 1989a:
'A class of solutions in Newtonian cosmology and the pancake
T. Buchert,
Astron. Astrophys. 223, 9-24.
3. 1990a:
'A statistical discriminator among galaxy samples of
different large-scale topology and geometry',
H.J. Mo and T. Buchert,
Astron. Astrophys. 234, 5-19.
4. 1991a:
'Probing pencil beams in pancake models',
T. Buchert and H.J. Mo,
Astron. Astrophys. 249, 307-311.
5. 1991b:
'High-spatial resolution in three dimensions:
a challenge for large-scale structure formation models',
T. Buchert and M. Bartelmann,
Astron. Astrophys. 251, 389-392.
6. 1991c:
'The relation between peculiar-velocity and density
parameter for a class of solutions in Newtonian cosmology',
S. Bildhauer and T. Buchert,
Prog. Theor. Phys. 86, 653-658.
7. 1992a:
'Lagrangian theory of gravitational instability of Friedmann-Lemaitre
and the `Zel'dovich approximation',
T. Buchert,
M.N.R.A.S. 254, 729-737.
8. 1992b:
'Solutions in Newtonian cosmology - the
pancake theory with cosmological constant',
S. Bildhauer, T. Buchert and M. Kasai,
Astron. Astrophys. 263, 23-29.
9. 1993a:
'Can the neutrino picture be revived ? - QSO constraints
A. Blanchard, T. Buchert and R. Klaffl,
Astron. Astrophys. 267, 1-10.
10. 1993b:
'The two-point correlation function in pancake models
and the fair sample hypothesis',
T. Buchert and V.J. Martinez,
The Astrophysical Journal 411, 485-500.
11. 1993c:
'Lagrangian perturbation theory -
a key-model for large-scale structure',
T. Buchert,
Astron. Astrophys. 267, L51-L54.
12. 1993d:
'High resolution simulation
of deep pencilbeam surveys - analysis of
A.G. Weiss and T. Buchert,
Astron. Astrophys. 274, 1-11.
13. 1993e:
'Lagrangian theory of gravitational instability of Friedmann-Lemaitre
cosmologies -
second-order approach: an improved model
for nonlinear clustering',
T. Buchert and J. Ehlers,
M.N.R.A.S. 264, 375-387.
14. 1994a:
'Lagrangian theory of gravitational instability of
Friedmann-Lemaitre cosmologies - a generic third-order model
for nonlinear clustering',
T. Buchert,
M.N.R.A.S. 267, 811-820.
15. 1994b:
'Testing higher-order Lagrangian perturbation theory
against numerical simulations - 1. Pancake models',
T. Buchert, A.L. Melott and A.G. Weiss,
Astron. Astrophys. 288, 349-364.
16. 1994c:
'Robust morphological measures for large-scale structure
in the Universe',
K.R. Mecke, T. Buchert and H. Wagner,
Astron. Astrophys. 288, 697-704.
17. 1995a:
'Testing higher-order Lagrangian perturbation theory
against numerical simulations - 2. Hierarchical models',
A.L. Melott, T. Buchert and A.G. Weiss,
Astron. Astrophys. 294, 345-365.
18. 1996a:
'Optimizing higher-order Lagrangian perturbation theory for Standard CDM
and BSI
A.G. Weiss, S. Gottlöber and T. Buchert,
M.N.R.A.S. 278, 953-964.
19. 1997a:
'Averaging inhomogeneous Newtonian cosmologies',
T. Buchert and J. Ehlers,
Astron. Astrophys. 320, 1-7.
20. 1997b:
'The performance of Lagrangian perturbation schemes at high
T. Buchert, G. Karakatsanis, R. Klaffl and P. Schiller,
Astron. Astrophys. 318, 1-10.
21. 1997c:
'Cosmic density and velocity fields in Lagrangian perturbation
M. Susperregi and T. Buchert,
Astron. Astrophys. 323, 295-304.
22. 1997d:
'Temporal optimization of Lagrangian perturbation schemes',
G. Karakatsanis, T. Buchert and A.L. Melott,
Astron. Astrophys. 326, 873-884.
23. 1997e:
'Minkowski Functionals of Abell/ACO clusters',
M. Kerscher, J. Schmalzing, J. Retzlaff, S. Borgani, T. Buchert,
S. Gottlöber, V. Müller, M. Plionis and H. Wagner,
M.N.R.A.S. 284, 73-84.
24. 1997f:
'Newtonian cosmology in Lagrangian formulation: foundations and
perturbation theory',
J. Ehlers and T. Buchert,
Gen. Rel. Grav. 29, 733-764.
25. 1997g:
'Beyond genus statistics: a unifying approach to the morphology of cosmic
J. Schmalzing and T. Buchert,
The Astrophysical Journal 482, L1-L4.
26. 1998a:
'Fluctuations in the IRAS 1.2 Jy catalogue',
M. Kerscher, J. Schmalzing, T. Buchert and H. Wagner,
Astron. Astrophys. 333, 1-12.
27. 1998b:
'Modeling multi-stream flow in collisionless matter: approximations for
large-scale structure beyond shell-crossing',
T. Buchert and A. Dominguez,
Astron. Astrophys. 335, 395-402.
28. 1999a:
'Extending the scope of models for large-scale structure formation in the
T. Buchert, A. Dominguez and J. Perez-Mercader,
Astron. Astrophys. 349, 343-353.
29. 1999b:
'A global descriptor of spatial pattern interaction in the
galaxy distribution',
M. Kerscher, M.-J. Pons-Borderia, J. Schmalzing, R.
T. Buchert, V.J. Martinez and R. Valdarnini,
The Astrophysical Journal 513, 543-548.
30. 1999c:
'The fundamental plane of clusters of galaxies: a quest for understanding
cluster dynamics and morphology',
C. Fritsch and T. Buchert,
Astron. Astrophys. 344, 749-754.
31. 1999d:
'Lagrangian theory of structure formation in pressure-supported
cosmological fluids',
S. Adler and T. Buchert,
Astron. Astrophys. 343, 317-324.
32. 1999e:
'Disentangling the cosmic web I: morphology of isodensity contours',
J. Schmalzing, T. Buchert, A.L. Melott, V. Sahni, B.S. Sathyaprakash
and S.F. Shandarin
The Astrophysical Journal 526, 568-578.
33. 2000a:
'On average properties of inhomogeneous fluids in general relativity:
dust cosmologies',
T. Buchert,
Gen. Rel. Grav. 32, 105-125.
34. 2000b:
'Backreaction of inhomogeneities on the expansion: the evolution of
T. Buchert, M. Kerscher and C. Sicka,
Phys. Rev. D62, 043525-1-21.
35. 2001a:
'Morphometry of spatial patterns',
C. Beisbart, T. Buchert and H. Wagner,
Physica A 293, 592-604.
36. 2001b:
'Morphological fluctuations of large-scale structure: the PSCz survey',
M. Kerscher, K.R. Mecke, J. Schmalzing, C. Beisbart, T. Buchert and H.
Astron. Astrophys. 373, 1-11.
37. 2001c:
'On average properties of inhomogeneous fluids in general relativity:
perfect fluid cosmologies',
T. Buchert,
Gen. Rel. Grav. 33, 1381-1405.
38. 2001d:
'On the abundance of collapsed objects',
M. Kerscher, T. Buchert and T. Futamase,
The Astrophysical Journal 558, L79-L82.
39. 2001e:
'The morphological and dynamical evolution of simulated galaxy
C. Beisbart, R. Valdarnini and T. Buchert,
Astron. Astrophys. 379, 412-425.
40. 2002a:
'Regional averaging and scaling in relativistic cosmology',
T. Buchert and M. Carfora,
Class. Quant. Grav. 19, 6109-6145.
41. 2003a:
'Cosmological parameters are dressed',
T. Buchert and M. Carfora,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 031101-1-4.
42. 2003b:
'Minkowski Functionals of SDSS galaxies I: Analysis of Excursion Sets',
C. Hikage, J. Schmalzing, T. Buchert, Y. Suto, I. Kayo, A. Taruya,
M.S. Vogeley, F. Hoyle, J.R. Gott III and J. Brinkmann,
P.A.S.J. 55, 911-931.
43. 2004a:
'Universality in the distribution of caustics in the expanding Universe',
T. Yano, H. Koyama, T. Buchert and N. Gouda,
The Astrophysical Journal Suppl. 151, 185-192.
44. 2004b:
'Information entropy in cosmology',
A. Hosoya, T. Buchert and M. Morita,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 141302-1-4.
45. 2005a:
'Adhesive gravitational clustering',
T. Buchert and A. Dominguez,
Astron. Astrophys. 438, 443-460.
46. 2005b:
'The Universe seen at different scales',
G.F.R. Ellis and T. Buchert,
Phys. Lett. A (Einstein Special Issue) 347, 38-46.
47. 2005c:
'A cosmic equation of state for the inhomogeneous Universe:
can a global far-from-equilibrium state explain Dark Energy?',
T. Buchert,
Class. Quant. Grav. 22, L113-L119.
48. 2006a:
'On globally static and stationary cosmologies with or without a cosmological
constant and the Dark Energy problem'
T. Buchert,
Class. Quant. Grav. 23, 817-844.
49. 2006b:
'An exact Lagrangian integral for the Newtonian gravitational field strength',
T. Buchert,
Phys. Lett. A 354, 8-14.
50. 2006c:
'The non-perturbative regime of cosmic structure formation',
T. Buchert,
Astron. Astrophys. 454, 415-422.
51. 2006d:
'Correspondence between kinematical backreaction and
scalar field cosmologies - the `morphon field' ',
T. Buchert, J. Larena and J.-M. Alimi,
Class. Quant. Grav. 23, 6379-6408.
52. 2008a:
'Dark Energy from structure - a status report',
T. Buchert,
Gen. Rel. Grav. 40, 467-527. (Invited review for special issue on Dark Energy)
53. 2008b:
'On the curvature of the present-day Universe',
T. Buchert and M. Carfora,
Class. Quant. Grav. 25, 195001.
54. 2009a:
'Testing backreaction effects with observations',
J. Larena, J.-M. Alimi, T. Buchert, M. Kunz and P.-S. Corasaniti,
Phys. Rev. D 79, 083011.
55. 2009b:
'Geometrical order-of-magnitude estimates for spatial curvature in realistic models of the Universe'
T. Buchert, George F.R. Ellis and Henk v. Elst,
Gen. Rel. Grav. 41, 2017-2030. (Special issue in memoriam Jürgen Ehlers)
56. 2009c:
'On the Newtonian limit of the Weyl tensor'
J. Ehlers, T. Buchert,
Gen. Rel. Grav. 41, 2153-2158. (Special issue in memoriam Jürgen Ehlers)
57. 2010a:
'Chaplygin gas and effective description of inhomogeneous universe models in general relativity'
X. Roy and T. Buchert,
Class. Quant. Grav. 27, 175013.
58. 2010b:
'Multiscale cosmology and structure-emerging Dark Energy: a plausibility analysis'
A. Wiegand and T. Buchert,
Phys. Rev. D 82, 023523.
59. 2011a:
'Effective inhomogeneous inflation: curvature inhomogeneities of the Einstein vacuum'
T. Buchert and N. Obadia,
Class. Quant. Grav. F.T.C. 28, 162002.
60. 2011b:
'Global gravitational instability of FLRW backgrounds - interpreting the dark sectors'
X. Roy, T. Buchert, S. Carloni and N. Obadia,
Class. Quant. Grav. 28, 165004.
61. 2011c:
'Toward physical cosmology: focus on inhomogeneous geometry and its non-perturbative effects'
T. Buchert,
Class. Quant. Grav. 28, 164007. (Invited review for focus section on 'inhomogeneous cosmological models and averaging in cosmology')
62. 2012a:
'Relativistic cosmological perturbation scheme on a general background: scalar perturbations for irrotational dust'
X. Roy and T. Buchert,
Class. Quant. Grav. 29, 115004.
63. 2012b:
'Lagrangian perturbations and the matter bispectrum I: fourth-order model for nonlinear clustering'
C. Rampf and T. Buchert,
J.C.A.P. 06, 021.
64. 2012c:
'Lagrangian theory of structure formation in relativistic cosmology. I. Lagrangian framework and definition of a nonperturbative approximation'
T. Buchert and M. Ostermann,
Phys. Rev. D 86, 023520.
65. 2012d:
'Relative information entropy and Weyl curvature of the inhomogeneous Universe'
N. Li, T. Buchert, A. Hosoya, M. Morita and D.J. Schwarz,
Phys. Rev. D 86, 083539.
66. 2012e:
'Backreaction in late-time cosmology'
T. Buchert and S. Räsänen,
Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 62, 57-79. (Invited review)
67. 2013a:
'Virialization-induced curvature as a physical explanation for dark energy'
B.F. Roukema, J.J. Ostrowski and T. Buchert,
J.C.A.P.10, 043.
68. 2013b:
'Lagrangian theory of structure formation in relativistic cosmology. II. Average properties of a generic evolution model'
T. Buchert, C. Nayet and A. Wiegand,
Phys. Rev. D 87, 123503.
69. 2014a:
'Deep redshift topological lensing: strategies for the T³ candidate'
B.F. Roukema, M.J. France, T.A. Kazimierczak and T. Buchert,
Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 437, 1096-1108.
70. 2014b:
'Direct Minkowski Functional analysis of large redshift surveys: a new high-speed code tested on the luminous red galaxy Sloan Digital Sky Survey-DR7 catalogue'
A. Wiegand, T. Buchert and M. Ostermann,
Mon. Roy. Astron. Soc. 443, 241-259.
71. 2015a:
'Evidence for an environment-dependent shift in the baryon acoustic oscillation peak'
B.F. Roukema, T. Buchert, J.J. Ostrowski and M.J. France,
Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 448, 1660-1673.
72. 2015b:
'Lagrangian theory of structure formation in relativistic cosmology. III. Gravitoelectric perturbation and solution schemes at any order'
A. Alles, T. Buchert, F. Al Roumi and A. Wiegand,
Phys. Rev. D 92, 023512.
73. 2015c:
'Is there proof that backreaction of inhomogeneities is irrelevant in cosmology?'
T. Buchert, M. Carfora, G.F.R. Ellis, E.W. Kolb, M.A.H. MacCallum, J.J. Ostrowski, S. Räsänen, B.F. Roukema, L. Andersson, A.A. Coley and D.L. Wiltshire,
Class. Quant. Grav. 32, 215021.
Invited Comment CQG+
74. 2016a:
'Is the baryon acoustic oscillation peak a cosmological standard ruler?'
B.F. Roukema, T. Buchert, H. Fujii and J.J. Ostrowski,
Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. Letters 456, L45-L48.
75. 2016b:
'Observational Challenges for the Standard FLRW Model'
T. Buchert, A.A. Coley, H. Kleinert, B.F. Roukema and D.L. Wiltshire,
Int. J. of Mod. Phys. D 25, 1630007. (Invited review)
76. 2017a:
'The background Friedmannian Hubble constant in relativistic inhomogeneous cosmology and the age of the Universe'
B.F. Roukema, P. Mourier, T. Buchert and J.J. Ostrowski,
Astron. Astrophys. 598, A111.
77. 2017b:
'Model-independent analyses of non-Gaussianity in Planck CMB maps using Minkowski Functionals'
T. Buchert, M.J. France and F. Steiner,
Class. Quant. Grav. 34, 094002. (Invited Article for Focus Issue
'Planck and fundamentals of cosmology')
Invited Comment CQG+
78. 2017c:
'Lagrangian theory of structure formation in relativistic cosmology. IV. Lagrangian approach to gravitational waves'
F. Al Roumi, T. Buchert and A. Wiegand,
Phys. Rev. D 96, 123538.
79. 2018a:
'On Backreaction in Newtonian cosmology'
T. Buchert,
Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. Letters 473, L46-L49.
80. 2018b:
'Lagrangian theory of structure formation in relativistic cosmology. V. Irrotational fluids'
Y.-Z. Li, P. Mourier, T. Buchert and D.L. Wiltshire,
Phys. Rev. D 98, 043507.
81. 2018c:
'Cosmological backreaction and its dependence on spacetime foliation'
T. Buchert, P. Mourier and X. Roy,
Class. Quant. Grav. 35, 24LT02.
Invited Comment CQG+
82. 2019a:
'On the covariance of scalar averaging and backreaction in relativistic inhomogeneous cosmology'
A. Heinesen, P. Mourier and T. Buchert,
Class. Quant. Grav. 36, 075001.
83. 2019b:
'Topology and Geometry of Gaussian random fields I: on Betti Numbers, Euler characteristic and Minkowski functionals'
P. Pranav, R. van de Weygaert, G. Vegter, B.J.T. Jones, R.J. Adler, J. Feldbrugge, C. Park, T. Buchert and M. Kerber,
Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 485, 4167.
84. 2019c:
'Unexpected Topology of the Temperature Fluctuations in the Cosmic Microwave Background'
P. Pranav, R.J. Adler, T. Buchert, H. Edelsbrunner, B.J.T. Jones, A. Schwartzmann, H. Wagner and R. van de Weygaert,
Astron. Astrophys. 627, A163.
85. 2019d:
'Dynamical spatial curvature as a fit to type Ia supernovae'
C. Desgrange, A. Heinesen and T. Buchert,
Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 28, 1950143.
86. 2019e:
'Dark Matter from Backreaction? Collapse models on galaxy cluster scales'
Q. Vigneron and T. Buchert,
Class. Quant. Grav. 36, 175006.
87. 2019f:
'Editorial note to: On the Newtonian limit of Einstein's theory of gravitation (by Jürgen Ehlers)'
T. Buchert and T. Mädler,
Gen. Rel. Grav. 51, 162.
88. 2020a:
'On average properties of inhomogeneous fluids in General Relativity III: General fluid cosmologies'
T. Buchert, P. Mourier and X. Roy,
Gen. Rel. Grav. 52, 27.
89. 2020b:
'Solving the curvature and Hubble parameter inconsistencies through structure formation-induced curvature'
A. Heinesen and T. Buchert,
Class. Quant. Grav. 37, 164001.
90. 2020c:
'Gauss-Bonnet-Chern approach to the averaged Universe'
L. Brunswic and T. Buchert,
Class. Quant. Grav. 37, 215022.
91. 2021a:
'Lagrangian theory of structure formation in relativistic cosmology. VI. Comparison with Szekeres exact solutions'
I. Delgado Gaspar and T. Buchert,
Phys. Rev. D 103, 023513.
92. 2021b:
'The variance of the CMB temperature gradient: a new signature of a multiply connected Universe'
R. Aurich, T. Buchert, M.J. France and F. Steiner,
Class. Quant. Grav. 38, 225005.
93. 2022a:
'Minkowski Functionals of SDSS-III BOSS: Hints of Possible Anisotropy in the Density Field?'
S. Appleby, C. Park, P. Pranav, S.E. Hong, H.S. Hwang, J. Kim and T. Buchert,
Astrophys. J. 928, 108.
94. 2022b:
'Cosmology intertwined: A review of the particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology associated with the cosmological tensions and anomalies'
E. Abdalla et al., SNOWMASS collaboration,
Journal of High Energy Astrophysics 34, 49.
95. 2022c:
'On general-relativistic Lagrangian perturbation theory and its non-perturbative generalization'
T. Buchert, I. Delgado Gaspar and J.J. Ostrowski,
Universe 8, 583.
96. 2023a:
'The averaging problem on the past light cone in inhomogeneous dust cosmologies'
T. Buchert, H. van Elst and A. Heinesen,
Gen. Rel. Grav. 55, 7.
97. 2023b:
'Beyond relativistic Lagrangian perturbation theory. I. An exact-solution controlled model for structure formation'
I. Delgado Gaspar, T. Buchert and J.J. Ostrowski,
Phys. Rev. D 107, 024018.
98. 2023c:
'Nonperturbative collapse models for collisionless self-gravitating flows'
N. Fardeau, T. Buchert, F. Al Roumi and F. Felegary,
Phys. Rev. D 108, 083502.
99. 2023d:
'Direct correspondence between Newtonian gravitation and general relativity'
T. Buchert,
Phys. Rev. D 108, L101502.
100. 2025a:
'Homology reveals significant anisotropy in the cosmic microwave background'
P. Pranav and T. Buchert,
Astron. Astrophys. xxx, in press.
101. 2025b:
'On restrictions of current warp drive spacetimes and immediate possibilities of improvement'
H. Barzegar and T. Buchert,
Phys. Rev. D xxx, Lxxxxx.
Invited Papers and
Workshop Contributions
1. 1989a:
'Analytical models for large-scale structure in the Universe',
T. Buchert,
in: IAP Workshop, Paris (France) The World of Galaxies,
H.G. Corwin, L. Bottinelli (eds.), 473-476.
2. 1989b:
'Lighting up pancakes - Towards a theory of galaxy formation',
T. Buchert,
Astronomical Society, `Highlight-talk', Graz (Austria),
Rev. Mod. Astron. 2, 267-281.
3. 1989c:
'Statistical discriminators of large-scale structure',
T. Buchert and H.J. Mo,
in: Progress report on cosmology and gravitational
lensing, Ringberg, Tegernsee (F.R.G.), Proceedings MPA/P3, G.
T. Buchert, P. Schneider (eds.), 17-23.
4. 1989d:
'The peculiar-velocity field in pancake models',
T. Buchert and P. Schiller,
in: Progress report on cosmology and gravitational lensing,
Proceedings MPA/P3, Ringberg, Tegernsee (F.R.G.), G. Börner, T.
P. Schneider (eds.), 158-162.
5. 1989e:
'Cosmography of the Virgo, Coma and Perseus superclusters',
R. Klaffl, T. Buchert, J. Einasto, R. Kates, E. Saar,
in: Progress report on cosmology and gravitational lensing,
Proceedings MPA/P3, Ringberg, Tegernsee (F.R.G.), G. Börner, T.
P. Schneider (eds.), 144 (a movie).
6. 1989f:
'Lighting up pancakes - Towards a theory of galaxy formation',
T. Buchert,
in: Progress report on cosmology and gravitational lensing,
Proceedings MPA/P3, Ringberg, Tegernsee (F.R.G.), G. Börner, T.
P. Schneider (eds.), 1-16.
7. 1990a:
'Illustrations of two-dimensional and three-dimensional
T. Buchert and R. Klaffl,
in: Dark Matter in the Universe, Erice 1988 (Italy),
P. Galeotti, D.N. Schramm (eds.),
Kluwer Acad. Pub. Dordrecht, Boston (1990), 93-98.
8. 1990b:
'Illustrations of two- and three-dimensional
T. Buchert and R. Klaffl,
in: Dark Matter in the Universe, Third Nishinomiya-Yukawa Memorial
Symposium, Nishinomiya 1988 (Japan),
H. Sato, H. Kodama (eds.), Springer Berlin, N.Y. (1990),
NATO Advanced Science Institutes, ASI Series C, Volume 296, 93.
9. 1990c:
'High-spatial resolution of pancakes',
T. Buchert,
IAU Workshop Tenerife (Spain) Astrophys. Sp. Sci. 171,
10. 1990d:
'Galaxy formation in pancake models',
T. Buchert,
IAU Workshop Tenerife (Spain) Astrophys. Sp. Sci. 171,
11. 1991a:
'Three-dimensional realizations of dynamically
thresholded pancake models',
T. Buchert and R. Klaffl,
in: Rencontres de Blois (France) Physical Cosmology, A. Blanchard
et al. (eds.), Frontieres Paris, 591-594.
12. 1991b:
'Dynamical thresholding of pancake models: 1.
Dynamical thresholding; 2. The two-point correlation function;
3. Large 2D realizations and subsampling',
T. Buchert,
in: Rencontres de Blois (France) Physical Cosmology,
A. Blanchard et al. (eds.), Frontieres Paris, 475-483.
13. 1991c:
'Dynamical thresholding of pancake models: A promising
variant of the HDM picture',
T. Buchert,
In: Proc. 3. MPG-CAS
Workshop on High Energy Astrophysics - Compact Stars and
Active Galaxies, Huangshan (PR China), ed.: Li Qibin,
World Scientific, Singapore, 242-252.
14. 1992a:
'High-spatial resolution of pancakes in 3D',
T. Buchert and M. Bartelmann,
in: 2nd. DAEC meeting Meudon (France) Distribution of
Matter in the Universe, G. Mamon, D. Gerbal (eds.), Meudon:
Observatoire de Paris, 277-280.
15. 1992b:
'Vorticity in pancake models',
T. Buchert,
in: 2nd. DAEC meeting Meudon (France) Distribution of
Matter in the Universe, G. Mamon, D. Gerbal (eds.), Meudon:
Observatoire de Paris, 281-286.
16. 1993a:
'What is a fair sample ?',
T. Buchert and V.J. Martinez,
in: Observational Cosmology, Chincarini G. et al. (eds.),
ASP Conference Series Vol. 51, 72-73.
17. 1993b:
'Third-order Lagrangian perturbation theory -
realization at high-spatial resolution'
T. Buchert and A.G. Weiss,
in: 9th IAP conference Paris (France) Cosmic Velocity Fields,
F. Bouchet, M. Lachieze-Rey (eds.), Editions Frontieres, 517-519.
18. 1993c:
'Higher-order Lagrangian perturbation theory',
T. Buchert,
in: Proceedings 4. MPG-CAS
Workshop on High-energy astrophysics and Cosmology,
Ringberg, Tegernsee (F.R.G.), Proceedings MPA/P8,
G. Börner, T. Buchert (eds.), 204-214.
19. 1993d:
'High-resolution simulation of deep pencil beam
A.G. Weiss and T. Buchert,
in: Proceedings 4. MPG-CAS
Workshop on High-energy astrophysics and Cosmology,
Ringberg, Tegernsee (F.R.G.), Proceedings MPA/P8,
G. Börner, T. Buchert (eds.), 310-318.
20. 1995a:
'Cosmogony of generic structures',
T. Buchert,
Nandaihe (PR China) 1994,
in: Galaxy formation and large-scale structure of the
Universe - The coming decade, Z.-L. Zou, Y. Chen, P.-W. Ji (eds.),
Astrophysics Reports 1, Pub. Beijing Astron. Obs.,
21. 1995b:
'Application of Minkowski functionals to the statistical analysis of dark
matter models',
M. Platzöder and T. Buchert,
in: 1st SFB workshop on Astro-particle physics, Report SFB/P001,
Ringberg, Tegernsee, (F.R.G.) 1995, A. Weiss, G. Raffelt, W. Hillebrandt,
F.v. Feilitzsch (eds.), 251-263.
22. 1995c:
'Robust morphological measures for large-scale
T. Buchert,
in: 11. Potsdam
Cosmology Workshop on Large-scale Structure in the Universe,
Geltow (F.R.G.) 1994, J. Mücket, S. Gottlöber, V. Müller
(eds.), World Scientific, 156-161.
23. 1995d:
'Optimized Lagrangian approximations for modelling
large-scale structure at nonlinear stages',
T. Buchert, A.L. Melott and A.G. Weiss,
in: 11. Potsdam Cosmology Workshop on Large-scale
Structure in the Universe, Geltow (F.R.G.) 1994, J. Mücket,
S. Gottlöber, V. Müller (eds.), World Scientific, 364-368.
24. 1996a:
'Averaging hypotheses in Newtonian cosmology',
T. Buchert,
in: Mapping, Measuring and Modelling the Universe, Valencia
(Spain) 1995, P. Coles, V.J. Martinez, M.J. Pons (eds.),
ASP Conference Series 94, 349-356.
25. 1996b:
'Optimizing higher-order Lagrangian perturbation theory for Cold Dark
Matter models',
A.G. Weiss, S. Gottlöber and T. Buchert,
in: Mapping, Measuring and Modelling the Universe,
Valencia (Spain) 1995, P. Coles, V.J. Martinez, M.J. Pons (eds.),
ASP Conference Series 94, 13-18.
26. 1996c:
'Analyzing galaxy catalogues with Minkowski Functionals',
M. Kerscher, J. Schmalzing and T. Buchert,
in: Mapping, Measuring and Modelling the Universe, Valencia (Spain)
1995, P. Coles, V.J. Martinez, M.J. Pons (eds.),
ASP Conference Series 94, 247-252.
27. 1996d:
'Lagrangian perturbation approach to the formation of
large-scale structure',
T. Buchert,
in: Proc. International School Enrico Fermi, Course CXXXII (Dark
Matter in the
Universe), Varenna (Italy), S. Bonometto, J.R. Primack, A. Provenzale
IOS Press Amsterdam, 543-564.
28. 1996e:
'Minkowski functionals in cosmology',
J. Schmalzing, M. Kerscher and
T. Buchert,
in: Proc. International School Enrico Fermi,
Course CXXXII (Dark Matter in the Universe), Varenna (Italy) 1995, S.
J.R. Primack, A. Provenzale (eds.),
IOS Press Amsterdam, 281-291.
29. 1996f:
'Lagrangian cosmogonies for the modeling of large-scale structure',
T. Buchert,
in: SFB workshop on Astro-particle physics, ESO Report,
Ringberg, Tegernsee (F.R.G.) 1995,
A. Weiss, G. Raffelt, W. Hillebrandt, F.v. Feilitzsch, T. Buchert (eds.),
30. 1997a:
'What do we really know about the global properties of the Universe',
G.F.R. Ellis, G. Börner, T. Buchert, J. Ehlers, C.J. Hogan,
R.P. Kirshner, W.H. Press, G. Raffelt, F-K. Thielemann, S. Van den Bergh,
in: Dahlem Workshop Report ES19 The Evolution of the Universe,
Berlin (F.R.G.) 1995, G. Börner, S. Gottlöber (eds.), Chichester:
31. 1997b:
'Averaging inhomogeneous cosmologies: a dialogue',
T. Buchert,
in: 2nd SFB workshop on Astro-particle physics, report SFB/P002,
Ringberg, Tegernsee (F.R.G.) 1996, R. Bender, T. Buchert, P. Schneider,
F.v. Feilitzsch (eds.), 71-82.
32. 1997c:
'The significance of the fluctuations in the IRAS 1.2 Jy catalogue',
M. Kerscher, J. Schmalzing, T. Buchert and H. Wagner,
in: 2nd SFB workshop on Astro-particle physics, Report SFB/P002,
Ringberg, Tegernsee (F.R.G.) 1996, R. Bender, T. Buchert, P. Schneider,
F.v. Feilitzsch (eds.), 83-98.
33. 1998a:
'A fresh look at the adhesion approximation',
T. Buchert,
in: 12. Potsdam Cosmology Workshop on
Large-scale Structure in the Universe, Potsdam (F.R.G.) 1997,
V. Mueller, S. Gottlöber, J.P. Mücket, J. Wambsganss (eds.),
World Scientific 1998, 295-296.
34. 1998b:
'Characterizing cluster morphology using vector-valued Minkowski
C. Beisbart and T. Buchert,
in: 12. Potsdam Cosmology Workshop on
Large-scale Structure in the Universe, Potsdam (F.R.G.) 1997,
V. Mueller, S. Gottlöber, J.P. Mücket, J. Wambsganss (eds.),
World Scientific 1998, 197-200.
35. 1999a:
'Backreaction in cosmological models'
C. Sicka, T. Buchert and M. Kerscher,
in: Fifth SFB-375 Ringberg workshop,
Ringberg (Tegernsee, Germany) 1998, D. Thomas (ed.), 1999, 75-79.
36. 1999b:
'Pressure-supported cosmic structure formation: analytical schemes beyond
the adhesion approximation'
C. Beisbart and T. Buchert,
in: Fifth SFB-375 Ringberg workshop,
Ringberg (Tegernsee, Germany) 1998, D. Thomas (ed.), 1999, 81-84.
37. 2000a:
'Stabilization of large-scale structure by adhesive gravitational
T. Buchert,
in: From Stars to the Universe, Shanghai (PR China) 1998,
Ann. Shanghai Obs., Acad. Sin., No. 21, 2000, 85-92.
38. 2000b:
'On average properties of inhomogeneous cosmologies'
T. Buchert,
in: 9th JGRG Meeting,
Hiroshima 1999, Y. Eriguchi et al. (eds.), 2000, 306-321.
39. 2000c:
'Backreaction and the evolution of cosmological parameters'
M. Kerscher, T. Buchert, C. Sicka,
in: Sixth SFB-375 Ringberg workshop,
Ringberg (Tegernsee, Germany) 1999, J. Reingruber (ed.), 2000, 45-47.
40. 2001a:
'Morphology of the large-scale structure'
A. Dominguez, C. Beisbart, T. Buchert, M. Kerscher, J. Schmalzing, and H. Wagner,
in: Proceedings of the 4th MPG-CAS workshop `Cosmology in the New Millennium',
Shanghai 2001
Prog. in Astron. (Suppl.) 19, 2001, 32-36.
41. 2002a:
'Matter seen at many scales and the geometry of averaging in relativistic cosmology'
T. Buchert and M. Carfora,
in: General Relativity, Cosmology, and Gravitational Lensing,
G. Marmo, C. Rubano and P. Scudellaro (eds.), Napoli Series on Physics and Astrophysics,
Bibliopolis, Naples, 2002, 29-44.
42. 2003a:
'The cosmic quartet: cosmological parameters of a smoothed inhomogeneous spacetime'
T. Buchert and M. Carfora,
in: 12th JGRG Meeting,
Tokyo 2002, M. Shibata et al. (eds.), 2003, 157-161.
43. 2005a:
'Universality in the distribution of caustics'
T. Yano, H. Koyama, T. Buchert and N. Gouda,
in: Annual Report of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Vol. 6 ,
K. Tanikawa et al. (eds.), NAO, Osawa, Mitaka-shi, Tokyo, Japan, 2005, p.13.
44. 2006a:
'Reinterpreting quintessential dark energy through averaged inhomogeneous cosmologies'
J. Larena, T. Buchert and J.-M. Alimi,
in: Proceedings of the SF2A conference Paris, France ,
D. Barret et al. (eds.), 2006, 281-284.
45. 2007a:
'Backreaction issues in relativistic cosmology and the dark energy debate'
T. Buchert,
in: XII. Brazilian School of Cosmology and Gravitation,
Mangaratiba, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2006, M. Novello et al. (eds.), AIP Conf. Proc. 910, 2007, 361-380.
46. 2008a:
'Reinterpreting dark energy through backreaction: the minimally coupled morphon field'
J. Larena, T. Buchert and J.-M. Alimi,
in: Proceedings of the 11th Marcel Grossman Meeting, Berlin, Germany ,
H. Kleinert, R.T. Jantzen, R. Ruffini (eds.), World Scientific, 2008, p. 1831.
47. 2008b:
'Ricci flow deformation of cosmological initial data sets'
M. Carfora and T. Buchert,
in: 14th International Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media,
N. Manganaro, R. Monaco, S. Rionero, World Scientific, 2008, 118-127.
48. 2010a:
'Relative information entropy of an inhomogeneous universe'
M. Morita, T. Buchert, A. Hosoya and N. Li,
in: U.N.E.S.C.O conference, Paris 2009,
J.-M. Alimi and A. Füzfa (eds.), AIP Conference Proceedings Vol 1241, 2010, 1074-1082.
49. 2010b:
'Effective inhomogeneous cosmologies and emerging scalar fields'
T. Buchert, N. Obadia and X. Roy,
New Directions in Modern Cosmology, Leiden 2010.
50. 2011a:
'Multiscale approach to inhomogeneous cosmologies'
A. Wiegand and T. Buchert,
New Directions in Modern Cosmology, Leiden 2010.
51. 2012a:
'Towards physical cosmology: geometrical interpretation of Dark Energy, Dark Matter and Inflation without fundamental sources'
T. Buchert,
International Conference on Two Cosmological Models, Mexico City 2010,
J. Auping-Birch, A. Sandoval-Villalbazo (eds.), Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de Mexico, 2012, 341-360.
52. 2013a:
'Virialization-induced curvature versus dark energy'
J.J. Ostrowski, B.F. Roukema and T. Buchert,
Hot Topics in General Relativity and Gravitation, Quy Nhon, Vietnam, July-August 2013.
53. 2017a:
'Observational Challenges for the Standard FLRW Model'
T. Buchert T., A.A. Coley, H. Kleinert, B.F. Roukema and D.L. Wiltshire,
in: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Rome July 2015,
M. Bianchi, R.T. Jantzen, and R. Ruffini (eds.), Singapore: World Scientific, 622-638 (2017).
54. 2017b:
'On the relativistic mass function and averaging in cosmology'
J.J. Ostrowski, T. Buchert and B.F. Roukema,
in: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Rome July 2015,
M. Bianchi, R.T. Jantzen, and R. Ruffini (eds.), Singapore: World Scientific, 2333-38 (2017).
55. 2017c:
'Relativistic structure formation models and gravitoelectromagnetism'
F. Al Roumi and T. Buchert,
in: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Rome July 2015,
M. Bianchi, R.T. Jantzen, and R. Ruffini (eds.), Singapore: World Scientific, 2345-50 (2017).
56. 2017d:
'Order-unity argument for structure-generated "extra" expansion'
B.F. Roukema, J.J. Ostrowski, T. Buchert and P. Mourier,
Acta Physica Polonica B 10, 403-406 (2017).
57. 2017e:
'Mass function of galaxy clusters in relativistic inhomogeneous cosmology'
J.J. Ostrowski, T. Buchert and B.F. Roukema,
Acta Physica Polonica B 10, 407-411 (2017).
58. 2018a:
'Is Dark Energy Simulated by Structure Formation in the Universe?'
T. Buchert,
in: Proceedings of the 2nd World Summit on Exploring the Dark Side of the Universe, University of Antilles, Guadeloupe, June 2018,
Proceedings of Science EDSU2018 Conf-Id 335, 038 (2018).
59. 2019a:
'4MOST: Project overview and information for the First Call for Proposals'
R.S. de Jong, et al. (CRS team),
The Messenger 175, 3 (2019).
60. 2019b:
'4MOST Consortium Survey 8: Cosmology Redshift Survey (CRS)'
J. Richard, J.-P. Kneib, C. Blake, A. Raichoor, J. Comparat, T. Shanks, J. Sorce, M. Sahlén, C. Howlett, E. Tempel, R. McMahon, M. Bilicki, B. Roukema, J. Loveday, D. Pryer, T. Buchert and C. Zhao (for the CRS team),
The Messenger 175, 50 (2019).
Editorial Work
1. 1989:
Proceedings Progress report on cosmology and gravitational
Ringberg (Tegernsee) 1989, Germany, Yellow Report MPA/P3,
G. Börner, T. Buchert and P. Schneider.
2. 1993:
Proceedings 4. MPG-CAS
Workshop on High-energy astrophysics and Cosmology,
Ringberg (Tegernsee) 1993, Germany, Yellow Report MPA/P8,
G. Börner and T. Buchert.
3. 1996a:
Abstract Collection 1995 SFB Astro-particle physics,
T. Buchert and F.v. Feilitzsch.
4. 1996b:
Proceedings Astro-particle physics,
Ringberg (Tegernsee) 1995, Germany, ESO Report,
A. Weiss, G. Raffelt, W. Hillebrandt, F.v.Feilitzsch, T. Buchert.
5. 1997a:
Proceedings Research in particle-astro physics,
Report SFB/P002, Ringberg (Tegernsee) 1996, Germany,
R. Bender, T. Buchert, P. Schneider and F.v. Feilitzsch.
6. 1997b:
Abstract Collection 1996 SFB Astro-particle physics,
T. Buchert.
7. 1998:
Abstract Collection 1997 SFB Astro-particle physics,
T. Buchert and C. Beisbart.
8. 2000:
Abstract Collection 2000 SFB Astro-particle physics,
A. Gabasch, J. Fliri, T. Buchert and F.v. Feilitzsch.
9. 2001:
Abstract Collection 2001 SFB Astro-particle physics,
T. Buchert, F.v. Feilitzsch, J. Fliri and A. Gabasch.
10. 2002:
Abstract Collection 2002 SFB Astro-particle physics,
J. Fliri and A. Gabasch, T. Buchert, F.v. Feilitzsch.
11. 2003:
Abstract Collection 2003 SFB Astro-particle physics,
A. Gabasch, J. Fliri, T. Buchert, F.v. Feilitzsch.
12. 2004:
Abstract Collection 2004 SFB Astro-particle physics,
J. Fliri, A. Gabasch, T. Buchert, F.v. Feilitzsch.
13. 2005:
Abstract Collection 2005 SFB Astro-particle physics,
A. Gabasch, J. Fliri, T. Buchert, F.v. Feilitzsch.
14. 2006:
Abstract Collection 2006 SFB Astro-particle physics,
A. Gabasch, J. Fliri, T. Buchert, F.v. Feilitzsch.
15. 2009:
Proceedings 2nd CRAL-IPNL conference - Dark Energy and Dark Matter: Observations, Experiments and Theories,
Lyon, July 7-11, 2008, France, EAS Publication Series 36, EDP Sciences,
E. Pécontal, T. Buchert, P. Di Stefano, Y. Copin.
Last Update: Dezember 22, 2024